Lake Country Area Agency on Aging



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Our Mission

The mission of LCAAA is to serve as an advocate for persons 60 years and older by helping them to achieve a better quality of life; to secure and maintain independence and dignity in a home environment for older individuals who are capable of self care with the appropriate supportive services; to remove individual and social barriers to economic and personal independence for older individuals; and to provide a continuum of care to the vulnerable elderly, serving those older individuals most at risk of institutionalization.

Brief History

Lake Country Area Agency on Aging (also known as LCAAA) began operating in January 1974, and the Nutrition Program began in August 1974. These two programs were consolidated into one department in January 1975. Services to the aged receive Title III and Title V funds from Older Americans Act and local funds from the Counties of Brunswick, Halifax, Mecklenburg, and the Town of South Hill.

The other programs of the Lake Country Area Agency on Aging have been added since the beginning of it’s operation to enhance the quality of life for the aging population of the community.

In Home Care

Home Care Services is a service provided to older and disabled persons who may not need Nursing Home Care, but require some assistance with their day-to-day health and personal needs while living at home. Fostering independence, recovery, and home maintenance services.

Adult Day Center

Provides a secure daytime environment for adults who require supervision, providing structured socialization, mental stimulation, exercise based on physical capabilities, nutritious meals in a home-like setting, and continuous monitoring by certified healthcare professionals.

Home Delivered Meals

Nutritious, healthy meals providing one-third of the dietary reference intake (DRI) delivered to the homes of older adults who cannot prepare such a meal for themselves. Congregate meal sites, providing a healthy balanced meal along with socialization, are also available

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The LAB Bus, including Lake Area Bus and Halifax Area Rural Transportation, offers public, door-to-door transportation within certain town limits for a small fee. LCAAA Medical Transportation uses a fleet of vehicles to take senior citizens to various important destinations, such as medical appointments and nutrition sites, within Mecklenburg, Brunswick, and Halifax counties, and beyond. Additionally, they provide wheelchair-accessible Medicaid transportation to all medical facilities.

A Message From Our President

Marvalene T. Johnson, President/CEO
Lake Country Area Agency on Aging

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion”. — Dalai Lama

Dear Friends,

Lake Country Area Agency on Aging’s (LCAAA) mission for our Older Loved Ones, “to remain in their own homes independently for as long as possible and to help retain one’s dignity in late life”, was entrenched at the very inception of LCAAA. The Agency endorses the following three principles in the development and evaluation of services for our older loved ones in Lake Country Area Agency on Aging’s Planning Service Area.

…..Maintaining and enhancing independent living.
…..Providing assistance to remain in one’s own home.
…..Providing adequate care for Older Loved Ones living away from home.

We embrace all backgrounds and cultures while striving to enhance our clients’ well-being regardless of race, gender, religion, faith, sexual preference, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. At LCAAA, we want to assist our senior citizens in maintaining their choice to remain independent, and being as healthy as possible. We dedicate ourselves as resources not only to our clients, but to the families and caregivers that entrust their loved ones, to our care. We are proud of the remarkable work of our staff.

I am personally committed to Lake Country Area Agency on Aging and the communities we serve. I will continue to advocate for the well-being of our senior citizens, our “Older Loved Ones”. Together with our staff and our community partnerships, I am in good company.


Marvalene T. Johnson, President/CEO
Lake Country Area Agency on Aging

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. — Winston Churchill